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uuPCBIN History File
│SPECIAL NOTICE: If you have not added your personal email ID to the list │
│of email IDs for uuPCB sysops, please do so. This can be done by │
│filling out Script #10 in Conference 272 on Ed Hopper's BBS. │
Version 1.00 Added several new features:
EMSSHELL uuPCB will shell to expanded memory if
1) The parameter EMSSHELL=Y is in UUPCB.INI
2) Adequate EMS memory is available.
Fixed (I think) the out of string space problem.
Fixed an occasional problem with mismatch between the DOS and
UNIX filenames for a given *.D file.
Added two exit options:
ALT-X will write all logs and then exit at the end of the
current message.
ALT-N will write all logs and then exit at the end of the
current *BATCH*.
Version 0.90 On occasion, some uuPCB messages are posted without an entry
11/28/92 in PC Board's "Subject:" field. PC Board would not
display such messages. QMail, etc. would display these
messages. The reason this happened was that uuPCB would
inadvertently eat the Subject line. This is fixed.
Version 0.89 Fixed a bug which resulted in corrupted DIR files for
10/07/92 archived messages. What was happening was that a
carriage return character was at the end of each line but
no line feed character was attached. This meant that it
appeared that the firsct character of each file name was
missing. You can fix the corrupted DIR files with QEdit
or similar editors. To do so:
Edit the dir file and position the cursor right before
the corrupted file. You should see (in QEdit, anyway),
the lines with a "music note" character at the end. Do a
search and replace to fix this. In the "search for" box,
enter ^P (CTRL-P) ^M (CTRL-M), in the replace box, enter
^P^M^P^J. (The ^P character tells QEdit that the next
character is a "literal" character and that it should be
accepted with interpretation.)
Fixed a bug in which text in the text portion (not the
header) of the news article which had TO:, FROM:, etc at
the beginning of the line was picked up and used instead
of the correct TO:, FROM:, SUBJECT: etc. This had been
fixed previously but was broken when the word wrapping
problem was fixed.
Version 0.88 Fixed a bug that lead to "missing" messages. What was happening
9/26/92 was that white space (space or null) was coming in front of the
FROM: in PC Board's message header. While .QWK doors didn't
have a problem with this, PC Board did.
Version 0.87 Complete replacement of Message I/O routines. I believe that
these new routines, plus the elimination of some potential
9/20/92 difficulties in library conflicts (between PDQ and DBLIB) and
an increase in string space should make things more stable.
These routines PRESUME network and/or share.exe to be in
operation. With CDC's elimination of single node PC Boards,
it is no longer realistic to presume that single node operations
and uuPCB will co-exist. For the two or three single
node PC Boards in existence, I recommend that share.exe
Other minor fixes:
1. Removed ASCII 227 characters at end of lines in
archived messages.
2. Archived messages are now named {Prefix}{Seq#}.TXT
instead of ARCHIVE.MSG. This will allow multiple .ZIP
files to be unzipped into the same subdirectory. For
example, FAQ0115.TXT is inside of FAQ0115.ZIP,
FAQ0116.TXT is inside FAQ0016.ZIP, etc.
Version 0.86 Whew.... its been a while. My apologies for the delays.
8/13/92 Moving, buying a house and getting phone lines was MUCH more
complicated than I thought. The BBS is up at 404-446-9462
and 404-446-9465.
Fixed problems with memory handling techniques and added a
top of screen memory monitor. These new techniques recover
all memory after each message is processed. Previously,
memory would slowly be chewed up. Large mail runs would
result in memory overwrites which could cause various problems.
Added the capability to limit the number of UUCP files
processed in a single run. Set the parameter
"BATCHLIMIT" to the maximum number of files to process.
For example, BATCHLIMIT=200 would only process 200 files.
The program would then exit. Batch file programming
would allow you to re-invoke the program if necessary.
For example:
Batch file segment:
(Do something else)
if exist D:\SPOOL\SITE\*.X goto again
The whole point of this is to allow sites handling LARGE
feeds to break up the processing into multiple parts.
Fixed problem with leftover BATCH. and BATCH.Z files in
the work subdirectory. UUPCBIN will now kill these files
Add a fix in database index handling which should clear up
the %0,000 that occurs occasionally in the PCB Conference
display. Please note that this is a problem that I have
had some difficulty re-creating this bug. Please report
any %0,000 occurences promptly.
Added the new BBS phone number to the display.
Also fixed a problem with message parsing. Previously,
occasional messages would not have CHR$(227) (PC Boards
new line character) inserted after some message lines.
This would cause some problems.
NOTE: Regarding UUENCODED files. These files use 7 bit
characters to transmit 8-bit binary data (such as program
files). Unfortunately, every once in a while a @X##
code will occur as a natural part of the coding. As a
result, PC Board would intercept the code and interpret
it as a PC Board color instruction. The only way around
that would be for CDC to allow one to turn off @X##
interpretation on a conference by conference basis. That
capability doesn't exist yet, unfortunately. Maybe 15.0?
I have been unable to find a method for UUPCB to fix this
Version 0.85 - One problem that was encountered with the concept of message
5/7/92 archiving is that the sequence numbers can rapidly be exhausted.
This version will support 9999 archive files (instead of 999).
This is a quicky fix. It may be enabled by entering the
following line in UUPCB.INI:
This turns on four digit handling of sequence numbers. You must
manually edit (using QEdit, edlin or other ascii editor) the
ARCSEQF.DAT file. Add a leading 0 (or 1, if you choose) to the
three digit number in this file. The file should be 6 bytes
long when you complete this edit.
In your UUPCB.DBF file, you may define a file prefix of up to
five characters. Obviously, if you enter a five character
prefix and have a four digit sequence number, the resulting
filename will have 9 characters and thus be illegal in DOS.
If the FOURDIGIT option is selected, UUPCBIN will automatically
truncate the prefix to four characters. I recommend that you
review your prefixes and manually adjust them, however.
Version 0.84 - This version detects out-of-control looping and terminates
5/6/92 these loops. In addition, the default message segment
size has changed from 8192 bytes to 5120 bytes. This can be
adjusted by setting the PCBMAXBLOCKS parameter to a number
greater or less than 40. This value indicated the number of 128
byte PC Board message blocks that are devoted to each message.
Version 0.83 - Internal changes to fix the "dumping thousands of nonsense
4/25/92 messages into junk" problem. Added a DEBUGLOG option.
Enter DEBUGLOG=FILENAME if you encounter the "dumping into junk"
problem AFTER switching to version 0.83. This log is
continuously appended. It grows VERY BIG, VERY FAST, so use it
only if you encounter this problem. If the problem occurs, send
the log to me. No other changes.
Version 0.82 - Limited release. Fixed a bug in the batch anlysis function
4/13/92 of UUPCBIN.EXE.
Version 0.81 - Well, big problems at the two or three sites that got version
4/5/92 0.80ß. There were problems with two areas:
(1) Some debugging code I had added was still in place.
It caused all sorts of errors on the screen.
(2) More importantly, a new 3rd-party library that I was using
for the first time on version 0.80 was causing problems,
(such as lockups and out-of-synch operations). Unfortunate-
ly, these errors only occurred on other systems, not here.
I have been running UUPCBIN 0.80 for a week without trouble.
I have pulled that code out. It seems to be working fine
now. No other substantive changes.
Version 0.80 - Added the following new features:
4/4/92 Message archiving.
Inbound email logging.
Fixed problems with tabs in email IDs.
New PC Board message File I/O routines.
71 column reports.
Newsgroup Blocking.
│Message Archiving.│
(Note: This requires DBFSETUP 0.75, UUPCBOUT 0.76, and CONVDBF database
conversion utility). The purpose of this feature is to allow you to capture
messages that have a permanent or semi-permanent value into zip files. This
might be messages from sources or binary groups, on-line "magazines", etc. You
select a prefix for each newsgroups' files and uuPCB will product the files with
three digit counters.
For example, a common item in Usenet is a "FAQ" (Frequently Asked Questions)
List. Most FAQ's are posted in the newsgroup "news.answers". On my system, I
set up up news.answers to be archived with the prefix "FAQ-". Therefore, an
incoming news article in news.answers is zipped into the file: FAQ-001.ZIP, the
next one in FAQ-002.ZIP, etc.
│ NOTE! │
│ │
│ I anticipate that sysops will want to review these files, pick and │
│ choose those to retain and, eventually, rename them to something more │
│ meaningful. This method of naming files and providing Description │
│ entries is not perfect, but it gives you a head start. │
uuPCB's message archiving feature has several options. You can archive all
messages in a newsgroup and not post them to message bases at all. You can only
archive the multi-part messages and post the single part messages. You can
archive and post all messages and so on. These options are controlled by the
numeric value of the field "ARCHIVE FLAG" in the new DBFSETUP 0.75. Setting it
to 0 (the default) means "No archiving". Here are the other options:
Archive Flag Single Part Messages Multi Part Messages
Archive Post Archive Post
0 | | X | | X
1 | | | X |
2 | | X | X |
3 | | X | X | X
4 | X | | X |
5 | X | X | X | X
An X in a block indicates that operation is performed. For example, if
you set a newsgroup for Archive flag 3, single part messages in that
newsgroup would be posted as PC Board messages. Messages that are
larger than a single PC Board message would be posted as multi-part PC
Board messages *AND* saved in .ZIP files.
To implement message archiving, perform the following steps:
1. Convert your UUPCB.DBF file to the new format with CONVDBF.EXE. To
do this, run CONVDBF.EXE in the same directory as UUPCB.DBF. It will
build a new database from your old one. This new database will have
five blank fields in each record. Your old database is saved as
OLDUUPCB.DBF. Build a new index with the INDEX.EXE utility from the
UUDBUTIL.ZIP file you downloaded originally. The syntax to use is:
index uupcb.dbf newsgrp.ndx
Take the default answers to all of INDEX.EXE's questions:
Question 1: NEWSGRP.NDX is the name of the index
Question 2: Index on?: newsgroup
Question 3: Where?: (blank)
Question 4: "INDEX DATA FILE" (note: Unique Keys Required: YES)
2. Run the new DBFSETUP. The screen will look like the screen below:
│ uuPCB DBF Setup - 0.75ß │
│ Copyright 1991, 1992 Edward T. Hopper - All Rights Reserved │
│ Ed Hopper's BBS 713-997-7575 or ed.hopper@ehbbs.hou.tx.us │
PC Board Conference Number: 20 Active Record 5 of 8
USENET Newsgroup : comp.sources
Moderated Newsgroup? (Y/N): N
Moderators email address :
Host for articles (opt) :
Default Distribution (opt):
Conference Path : D:\PCB\CONF20\MSGS
Conference Name : Comp.Sources
Archive Directory : d:\dl23
Archive Dir File : d:\pcb\gen\dir85
Archive Flag : 5
Archive Prefix : csrc-
Block Flag : N
─────────────────────────[Esc to Abort Edit or Entry]──────────────────────────
[A]dd [C]Names Import [D]elete [E]dit
[N]ext [P]revious [Q]uit
[R]eport [U]ndelete [#] Goto Record #
Your Choice:
Five additional fields, beginning with Archive Directory are provided. We're
concerned with the first four of that group. The last one is devoted to
newsgroup blocking, which is discussed later. Fill out the fields as follows:
Archive Directory: The path for the subdirectory used to store the .ZIP files.
Archive Dir File: This identifies a PC Board directory file. uuPCB will enter
each .ZIP file here and will include the word "Usenet:", the newsgroup and the
contents of the article's "Subject:" line as the PC Board file description. The
entries look like this:
MAC-033.ZIP 10983 03-28-92 Usenet: comp.sys.mac.misc
| Software Manual Reference Summary
Archive Flag: A value from 1 to 5 taken from the table above to instruct uuPCB
on exactly how to handle archiving. (Note a blank or the numeral 0 means no
Archive Prefix: a 1 to 5 character prefix for the filename of the archives. For
example, an archive of the Computer Underground Digest's alt.society.cu-digest
would have the prefix "CUD-" and zips would be named "CUD-001.ZIP",
"CUD-002.ZIP", etc.
3. Create the subdirectories specified in the "Archive Directory" field above.
4. Make sure that PKZIP is in the path. I have hardcoded PKZIP to perform this
function for now.
│Inbound email logging│
This is designed for some systems who wish to track users generating large email
volumes. In this release, it only logs inbound email. It will generate
logging on outbound email and news in the next release of UUPCBOUT (the release
after UUPCBOUT Version 0.76). In UUPCB.INI enter the keyword EMAILLOG with the
name of the file in which you wish the log to appear. For example,
The log looks like this:
03-30-1992 I JIM HEIL 15,315
03-30-1992 I ED HOPPER 1,444
03-30-1992 I LEEANN HOPPER 3,022
03-30-1992 I LEEANN HOPPER 1,813
03-30-1992 I ED HOPPER 1,324
03-30-1992 I ED HOPPER 1,219
This file is continuously appended. I assume that those users who wish to
assess charges to users for email will use this as the input for their
billing/accounting programs.
│Fixed problems with tabs in email IDs│
One sysop was receiving email from a user on another system with a Tab character
embedded in his "english" name. uuPCB was telling him that the message was from
(Tab Character). PC Board wouldn't display such a message. Fixed, as are other
nonsense characters.
│New PC Board message File I/O routines│
I have modified the routines to check for pre-PC Board 14.2 file locking in
addition to the post 14.2 file locking methods in order to prevent any potential
conflicts with other code. I have also attempted to speed up file writing,
however it appears that the impact is minimal.
│71 column reports│
Based upon feedback from sysops, I have reduced all reports generated by
UUPCBIN.EXE to 71 columns in order to allow import via TXT2MSG. This includes
the new email report shown above.
│Newsgroup Blocking│
Under certain circumstances, you might receive a newsgroup from your
feedsite that you do not wish to carry. For one reason or another, your
feedsite may be unable or unwilling to delete this group from your feed.
In that case, enter "Y" in the block flag field for that newsgroup.
Assign the same PC Board conference # (field #1) to this blocked
newsgroup as you have to "junk". Make sure you do a CNAMES IMPORT to
update the paths in this entry.
Version 0.78 - Experimental versions, not generally released.
and Version
Version 0.77 - Several changes. First, the ASCII 0 characters in the reports
3/3/92 have been eliminated. You should be able to display them as
bulletins in PC Board now, without problems.
The second issue was the occasional "PC Board Conference not
found" errors. Several had requested logging of those errors in
an error log. That is now provided. Look for "ERROR.LOG" in
the uupcb directory. However, it also appears that there was
another problem. The situation:
- A multi-part, multi-newsgroup article is received.
- Only a few of the total groups are carried on the BBS.
- A uncarried group follows a carried group on the newsgroup
If the above three items occur, uuPCB tried to write the article
to a non-existent message base. Hence the "PC Board Conference
not found" errors. You should not be seeing these errors so
frequently now. When you do, look at error.log to see if you
have configuration problems.
Third, there is now a Junk report. The Junk report is an
optional report that reports the newsgroup lines for any
articles that are posted in your "junk" conference. This should
help you detect any newsgroups added to your feed. This
happened to me recently. I carry "alt.conspiracy". A new
newsgroup, "alt.conspiracy.jfk" was established. C News, the
unix news software that my feed sites use, automatically sends
new subgroups to anyone taking the main group. To utilize the
junk report, just add "JUNKLOG={filespec}" to uupcb.ini.
Version 0.76 - This is a special release for Bob Emerson. Fixed problem with
2/27/92 batches that contain a large number of messages (i.e., over 300)
It now handles 1000.
Version 0.75 - Fixed a couple of things. First, it has been modified to
1/26/92 handle incoming email with more than one addressee. This is
somewhat unusual, but some mailers will put this out
occasionally. Now, UUPCBIN will post the message to all
Secondly, UUPCBIN now will not post control messages to
newsgroups. We will handle control messages more completely
in a later release, but this at least prevents some .QWK
doors from choking.
No modifications to UUPCB.INI required for this release, just
plug 'n' play.
Version 0.74 - Well, 0.73 didn't last long. While 0.73 fixed most problems
1/16/92 it still allowed long, multi-newsgroup messages to get fouled
up. The result, a multi-part, multi-group message posted
part 1 several times, but never posted the rest. The fix
was easy, but missed it in 0.73. Multi-part, single group
messages didn't have a problem.
Version 0.73 - Major item here is fixing some things that were
1/15/92 broken earlier. This will fix overly verbose
and generally screwed up headers. uuPCB was ignoring the
KEEP= statements and sticking ALL of the header in the
message. Now fixed.
Also, the program will now append the time of each
successful mail/news run in the file NEWSTIME.LOG. Note,
this file is appended. It will show a history of
successful runs. The time reported is the time that
This one is important - Please get it ASAP.
Version 0.72 - Added further reporting options.
Modified INPUTLOG. This is a verbose log of all messages
posted. There are three columns in this report: Msg#,
Msg-Id and Conference Name. The header now contains the
date and time that UUPCBIN.EXE has concluded. The
INPUTLOG parameter in UUPCB.INI stays the same:
This is an optional parameter. in UUPCB.INI where
[FILENAME] is the filename or path and filename you wish
to use for the log.
Added POSTLOG. This is a summary total, by newsgroup, of
messages imported. To activate POSTLOG, enter
in UUPCB.INI where [FILENAME] is the filename or path and
filename you wish to use for the log.
Version 0.71 - Some systems send batched, compressed news without
1/02/92 the "cunbatch" header. Fixed UUPCBIN.EXE to handle
batches with or without this header automatically.
Version 0.70 - 1/1/92 - Original release version.